Robert S Drew

Professor of Communication

Department of Communication

Arts & Behavioral Sciences

Academic and Student Affairs

SVSU Main Campus

Pioneer Hall 200



Professor Drew received his Ph.D. and M.A. in Communication from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. He received a B.A. in English from Columbia University. His research focuses on media studies, ethnography, and popular culture. He has published journal articles and book chapters on popular culture practices including graffiti and karaoke.  His book Karaoke Nights: An Ethnographic Rhapsody was published by AltaMira Press in 2001.  His current research involves the history and practice of home audio recording, particularly the creation and exchange of mix tapes/CDs.  Dr. Drew regularly teaches courses in media, popular culture, and research methods.



Doctor of Philosophy
Univ Pennsylvania

Honors and Awards

2008 - SVSU Faculty Association Scholarship Award
2009 - Shikoku University Exchange Program, Tokushima, Japan
2003 - National Communication Association Critical/Cultural Studies Book Award
2002 - National Communication Association Ethnography Di