Annamalai Pandian

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Science Engineering & Technology

Academic and Student Affairs

SVSU Main Campus

Pioneer Hall 219



Dr. Annamalai Pandian has wide range of industrial experience in BIW, automotive, sheet metal stamping, robotic welding, automation, product design, project management, six sigma and lean manufacturing methods. He has excellent experience in ISO 9000 standards and procedures having served as internal lead auditor for Minivan Platform, Chrysler Corporation. Dr. Pandian has worked in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering division in Chrysler LLC, Auburn Hills, MI, USA for 13+ years. He has wealth of experience in automotive tooling design, robotics, plant work-cell layout, simulation, manufacturing and process engineering. Managed several Tier I & II automotive suppliers and budget up to $50M. He was the program director for MS manufacturing engineering "on-line" program at the University of Wisconsin-Stout before moving to Saginaw Valley State University, MI. He has taught several design and manufacturing engineering courses including Engineering Mechanics-Statics & Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, CAD, 3D printing, Jigs & Fixtures, Robotics & Machine Vision, Engineering Economy, Lean Manufacturing, Process Eng., and Manufacturing Systems Design and Simulation. Guided several Senior Design I & II Capstone projects. 


•Mechanical Engineering Design • Lean Manufacturing • Process Analysis • Bench Marking • Project Management • Layout Optimization • Automation • Systems Engineering • Tooling Design • Simulation • Product Launch • Military Standards • Quality •Green Belt • Continuous Improvement • Error Proofing • FMEA • Six-Sigma •ISO 9001 • TS 16949 • ISO 14001


• CANVAS•Blackboard • Blackboard Collaborate • Wimba •D2L • Qualtrics • Tegrity • VSpace • FD_on Desk •WINCAPS • Robot Studio • IN-SIGHT • MATLAB • ARENA • Math Cad • CATIA •SolidWorks-CAD * SolidWorks-CAM * SolidWorks-Plastics * SolidWorks- FEA •AutoCAD • SPSS • Minitab • MS Office • Zoom •  MS Teams 


Doctor of Engineering
Lawrence Technological Univ

Master of Science
University Madras

Master of Science
Louisiana State Univ

Bachelor of Science
University Madras

Teaching Interests

ME -202L Engineering Data Analysis (MATLAB)
ME -220 Engineering Graphics Essentials -Lecture
ME -220L Computer Aided Design LAB (Solid Works)
ME-251 Engineering Statics
ME-306 Engineering Economic Analysis

ME-380 Manufacturing Systems and Processes

ME- 382 Robotics Applications

ME 390 Manufacturing Engineering
ME-480 Senior Design I
ME-481 Senior Design II

ETM -322 Manufacturing Technologies

ETM- 352 Statics and Mechanics of Materials

ETM-365 Lean Manufacturing

ETM-497 Senior Research Project

@University of Wisconsin-STOUT

  • MECH -293 Engineering Mechanics (Statics & Dynamics)
  • MFGE -351 Manufacturing Process Engineering
  • MFGT -345 Design and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems
  • MFGT -405 Machine Vision
  • MFGE -415 Robotics and Machine Vision
  • MFGE -440 Manufacturing Systems Design & Simulation
  • MFGE -441 Jigs, Fixtures and Tooling Design
  • MFGE -640 Design & Simulation of manufacturing systems
  • MFGE -707 Field Project Formulations
  • MFGE -735 Field Problems in Manufacturing Engineering
  • MFGE -771 Emerging Manufacturing Materials



• Automation • Automation • Manufacturing Systems • Design and Simulation • ARMA modeling • Robotics • Vision Technology • Material Handling • Reliability • Artificial Neural Networks • •Intelligent Manufacturing Systems • Metal Forming Process


23. Pandian, A. (2024). "Review of  3D Printing VS Injection Molding VS CNC Machining Processes: Simulation and Fabrication”. 7th European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management,  Augsburg, Germany, July 16-18, 2024.

22. Pandian, A. (2021). "Challenges in Autonomous Vehicle Development". Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Rome, Italy, August 3-5, 2021.

21. Pandian, A. (2019). "Vision Guided Robotics Research Study". Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Bangkok, Thailand, March 5-7, 2019. 

20. Pandian, A. (2017). "BIW Process Modeling and Simulation Analysis". Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Bristol, UK, July 24-25, 2017.

19. Pandian, A. (2016). Invited Distinguished Guest speaker on Global engineering education topic, "A status review of International Students in the USA". Proceedings of the 2016 Detroit Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Lawrence Technological University, MI, USA, September 23-25, 2016.

18. Pandian, A. and Cameron, B., (2016). A review of recent trends and challenges in 3D printing ”. Proceedings of the 2016 ASEE North Central Section Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, March 18-19, 2016.

17. Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2016). “Manufacturing cell layout improvement using Simulation Modeling and Group Technology”. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Kuala Lumper, Malaysia, March 8-10, 2016, pp 103-114.

16. Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2015). “Investigation of Maintenance Assumptions for an Automotive Production line using Simulation Modeling”. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, March 3-5, 2015, pp 455-461.

15. Pandian, A. Ali, A. (2014) “ARMA-ANN based optimization prediction model for automotive plant throughput based on plant failure data”. International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE), Vol.2, No.2, pp 22-39.

14. Pandian, A. (2014). “The Effects of System Failures in a Robotic Assembly Line- Simulation Modeling and DOE Analysis”. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bali, Indonesia, January 7 – 9, 2014, pp 513-522.

13. Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2013). "Throughput Forecasting Based on ANN Modeling Using Automotive Robotic Systems Failure Data” Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (JISE), Vol.6, No.4, pp 217-239.

12. Pandian, A. (2013). “Transforming senior students to Competent Engineers thru Project Based Learning”. 2013 ASEE North Midwestern Section Conference, October 17-18, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, pp 1-9.

11. Pandian, A. (2013). “Complex Assembly Line Production Simulation Modeling considering Robots Failure and Operator cycle times”. Summer Simulation Multi-Conference, The Society for Modeling & Simulation International, July 7-10, Toronto, Canada, pp 50-56.

10. Pandian, A. and Ahad Ali, (2013). “Automotive Assembly Line Production Loss Prediction Based on ARMA-ANN Model”. IIE Annual conference and Expo, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 18-22, 2013, pp 2903-2910.

9. Pandian, A. and Ahad Ali, (2013). "Performance measurement of an Automotive BIW robotic assembly", Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 17 Issue: 1, pp 3-21.

8. Arnold, A., Daul, L., Krull, B., Nebel, R., Pandian, A. (2012). “Inspiring Students to use classroom Simulation software to Model Industry Manufacturing Process”. 2012 ASEE North Midwest Section Conference, October 4-5, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN.

7. Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2011). “Automotive Robotic Body Shop Simulation for Performance Improvement Using Plant Feedback”. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE), InterScience Enterprises, Ltd. Vol.7, No.3, pp 269-291.

6. Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2010). “A Review of Recent Trends in Machine Prognosis and Diagnosis”. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (IJCISIMA). Vol.2, pp 320-328.

5. Pandian, A. and Ali, A. (2009). “A Review of Recent Trends in Machine Prognosis and Diagnosis”. World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing, Coimbatore, India, Dec. 9-11, pp 1731-1736.

4. Ali, A., Beebe, R, and Pandian, A. (2009). “Simulation of fuel tank assembly and process analysis for performance improvement”. 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, Austin, TX, Dec. 13-16, pp 2154-2163.

3. Pang, S., Pandian, A. and Bradshaw, R.D. (1992). “Modified Tsai-Wu Failure for Fiber-Reinforced Composite Laminates”. Polymer Composites, 13 (4), pp 273-277. Published on 30 August 2004 on line.

2. Pang, Su-Seng. Roger D. Bradshaw. Pandian, Annamalai (1991). “Modified expression of the Tsai-Wu failure criterion for fiber-reinforced composite laminates”. Conference Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, December 01 - 06, 1991, Vol. 29, pp 243-257.

1. S.S. Pang and A. Pandian (1989). “Strength Analysis of Glass Fiber Reinforced Material under Longitudinal Loading”. Composites Symposium of the AIChE 2nd Topical Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials. San Francisco, California, November 6-9, 1989, pp 319-320.

Works of Creativity

NSF Grant Reviewer 2020 and 201

Journal paper reviewer for:

  • Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • Measuring Business Excellence
  • International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
  • International Journal of Operations and Production Management
  • American Society of Engineering Education
  • Industrial Engineering (IE) and Operations Management (OM) society 2014-2016 conference.1
  • Developed a new course (ETM 352) titled  “Statics + Mechanics of Materials.”
  • Developed a new course (ME 382) titled  “Industrial Robotics and its applications.”

Community Engagement

1. Active volunteer for Cardinal Days, Fresh Start, Freshmen Move-in, FIRST robotics, and Math Olympiad, 

2.  Faculty Advisor: American Society for Quality (ASQ) SVSU-Student Chapter

3. Member: South Asian Students Association

External Examiner for

  • Ph.D. Dissertation “Computer assisted impeccable examining of brain tumor classification and feature extraction in images using multimodal features and machine learning methods ”, Anna University, Chennai, India
  • Ph.D. Dissertation “Development of Efficient Genetic Algorithm for Open Shop Scheduling Problem to Minimize Makespan ,Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India
  • Ph.D. Dissertation “Design and Comparison of Algorithms for Single model and Mixed Model Assembly Line Balancing Problems”, CEG, Anna University, Chennai, India
  • M.S. Thesis “Time independent and time dependent validation of CFI combustion model in pre-mixed adiabatic flame regime” University of Twente, Netherlands, Europe


Faculty Association Executive Board Member 2014- 2023.

Honors and Awards

       Awards:   Won the Faculty Recognition Award for Outstanding Scholarship 2019-2020


  • Faculty Professional Growth Award for the FY 2016-2017; 2018-2019; 2020-2021, 2023-2024;
  • Foundation resource Grant award for the FY 2014-2015; 2016-2017; 2017-2018;2018-2020;
  • Faculty Research Grant award for the FY: 2015- 2016; 2017-2018; 2020-2021;


Professional Membership: ASQ, ASEE & IEOM

Office Hours

  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM